Sunday, March 8, 2020

There is Bad with the Good

Good climbing day. I hit 3 v5s and 2 v4 for my scorecard.

Ended up needing two tries to get the blue v5 from last post. Felt strong going through it, but needed to figure out the feet for the beginning to nail it.

Week 2 score - 2 v4, 3 v5 - (65 points). Improvement

Finally hit a green v4 that had been my boogie man for the past month. I was always able to get to the last hold, but the last hand and foot never felt good enough to trust at the top of the wall.

I have been working to try and gain the courage/confidence/whatever you want to call it to just send at the top of the wall. It is just not easy to do without thinking about it right now. The delay between getting to the top hold and willing myself to reach the top of the wall is shrinking significantly.

Still felt strong, although my neck was doing this kind of awful clicking thing. Stretching and massage has been able to get rid of it before, so I am expecting it will go away again soon.

I keep offering advice before it's asked for.

I have noticed myself doing it only after the fact.

I have noticed that it has annoyed more than one person.

There are a few things about me and my personality that I want to change, this is very much so towards the top of that list.

Improvements don't only have to be physical. Balance is everything

Can't stop. Won't stop.

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