Wednesday, March 4, 2020


I'm doing a rock climbing league with some work people. I've been climbing for longer than all of them, but they are so much better than me anyways. Feels pretty bad, but it is definitely motivation to try harder and push myself to do harder climbs.

Going into the league I expected myself to be a v3 handicapped climber, but the week before league was starting I sent multiple v4's. This put me in kind of an awkward position, since it was possible that I would have only v4 and up on my first week of climbs, putting me above a v3 handicap.

Well first week happened and I sent 4 v4 and 1 v5 giving my team 60 (10 per v4, 15 per v5, +5 points for a climb put up that week) points.

Feels pretty good

I was able to project another 2 v5s since then, so this week I should have at minimum 3 v5s

This was also the first time that I actually projected a climb. I broke it down into different sections and attempted each move until I was able to get them comfortably. Once I was able to get them all I began stitching them together until I got the full climb in one shot.

Boy, was that rewarding to send (blue v5 super balancey with a few power moves, mantle into the wall, lean down onto crimp, push up into mantle to final hold)

I'm pretty amped that I've been able to push and advance pretty quickly after getting over some hump. It was not long ago that I remember v3s being mostly impossible, and v4s were just a dream.

It's a 6 week league so there is still a lot of time to improve and get more points.

Week 1 - 4 v4 (+5), 1 v5 - 60points

Videos? (maybe)

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