Monday, April 6, 2020

Don't be dumb

Tweaked my achilles running on the rail trail a few days ago.

I didn't think it was that bad and ran again the next day. I wasn't able to run all the way back because it started hurting too much.

The next day my calf was on fire :/

Making a small injury worse feels so bad.

I've been going for short walks to try and warm it up each day, but other than that I have been elevating and trying to stay off my feet as much as possible.

It's been ~5 days since I made it worse, and it is almost gone completely. Still going to wait a few days to make sure that it is fully healed before trying it out again. There is no need to re-aggravate it just before summer hits.

On the bright side my 3 mile pace is(was) under 9min/mile now :)

I'll get it back