Thursday, July 8, 2010

Titles are still pretty shitty

No games for me this week, felt like shit on wednesday, Tom got hit later that night by the same thing. Sucks living in an infested house. Whateves
Take a second, look at your game. Go ahead, I'll be here when you're done.
Done yet? Cool. Now with the upcoming school year looming ever so closer, one must think, "What about my game would I want the new freshman to emulate? What about my game would I want them to never actually do in game?" These are tough questions to answer, and even tougher is that the same answer can be had for both questions. What are we going to teach them? How will we teach them? What role will you play on the team?

Had enough questions? oof sorry about that one, wasn't even thinking. While at the gym today with Thomas, I started thinking about how we started out all those years ago. We didn't really have people to look up to to show us how to play well, we had to learn for ourselves. That's especially not true for this next generation of Gunx. They have so many players to learn from, we just need to decide what skillz we want to each put forth.

Think about it.
Can't stop. Won't stop.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Titles are awful

Wudi has been pretty good. The team has been coming together nicely, but the one thing that the team lacks is the one thing I've been working on, intensity. I'm tired of being a shlub on D so I've been working to use my speed and agility to my advantage over my opponents, but 1 person playing D won't stop any team from moving the disc down the field. Even if I stop my dude, other people let up easy passes nullifying any work that I put into it.
The teams we've beat recently have pretty much all been playing savage or close to savage, granted our numbers haven't been great for a couple of games either but Ramen is younger and fitter then most teams out there. We have the capability to beat every team out there, but only if we try and want it.
As for my play: D has been getting better, my dude will still touch the disc but generally off of sweet cuts. Shut down D is nearly impossible in this game, but I'm trying. My throws are some of the worst they've been since I started playing. I can't tell why but not many short passes are coming off smooth and my hucks are drifting at the end. Bleh. There's still time, and cutting is still sweet. I'm jealous of people that only cut, I don't get why they want to pick up the disc so often.
So yeah that whole trying thing is a new one in my life... Trying on the field, and attempting to try off the field too. I've been taking a page out of Doober's book and I've been doing push-ups and excrutiators before bed each night. Hopefully this will pay off.
I've been feeling like Dante (Clerks) as of late, sick of my station in life. But unlike him, I'm attempting to do something about it now. It's only taken me 21 years to get to this point, but there's no time for change like the present. Gotta do what I can.
Can't stop. Won't stop.