Friday, June 20, 2014

Bahstahn Invite

The Fish will be heading to Boston this weekend for a tournament. In preparation for this tournament I've been trying to watch Highlight videos to get myself pumped up and ready to play, for some reason it just wasn't working to get me excited.

I started thinking about why I wasn't getting amped. Was I tired? Am I not excited for the season? Is nervousness overriding confidence? To answer all of these questions: I don't think so. Yes, I'm tired. Yes, I am a little hesitant going into the season with such a new roster. Yes, being in the Elite Bracket should be making me nervous.

But this is all just fuel. Fuel to push me past my limits, to expand my role on the team, to play better than I ever have before.

I found that it is more important for me to remain calm over pumped up. When I'm pumped up, I rush. When I rush, I cause turns on our end. When I cause turns, I don't get to play anymore. All I want to do is play.

Hopefully I'll find a happy medium, but for now I'll keep it calm.

The Highlight videos did show me one thing, lay-out D's get you on the video. Just do it already, it's been long enough.

Goals for the weekend:
No turns
Don't get beat deep
Attack in the air
A few D's would be nice
Most Importantly: Have fun

We are playing against a high level of opponents, we are seeded last in the tournament. Intra-team turmoil will not help. This team was built in having fun and playing hard, let's keep it that way.

Stay Calm
No Turns
Have fun

Let's do it Fish,
Can't stop, Won't stop

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