Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 1

Late last night a member of the CHUMS, Trenton, was caught up in a military chemical experiment and was eventually turned into a Zombie. Such a shame what they do to that boy, but now he feeds, and has already fed on, most importantly, my boy Ben. We'll see how long the rest of Capen Hall lasts, I can only imagine that they will fall soon. This is such a crap, Bouton and Capen had each others backs last semester when the Zombie Virus attacked campus, but we shall persevere no matter what happens.
Gotta stay safe, already had to kill a couple zombies today, including Ben.
Practice was out on the turf today, mad windy. Throws were mediocre all around, but we had some ladies play well so all is good.
To all that read this, please stay safe. We must depend on each other.
Can't stop. Won't stop.

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