Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New semester. New thoughts.

This semester is going to be a changing one.
For me.
For the team.
For anyone that I can positively impact.

I've been reading Next Level Magic by Patrick "The Innovator" Chapin. Good shit in there. Much of it applies to real life scenarios. The main thing I have gotten out of it thus far is thinking about what I am attempting to accomplish. It's not until you actually know what you are trying to do that you will be able to work towards that goal.
So what's my goal for this semester? Making an impact at sectionals. Not just me, but Gunx as a whole. What am I going to do to reach that goal? Make myself as good as I possibly can. But what do I mean by that? That's pretty open ended of me. Meh... I know what I'm going to do, please join in if you wanna.

To do:
No smoking
No drinking
No relationships (girlfriend-wise)
Be able to complete the Cooper Test (2 miles 12 minutes)
Full field throws (gotta have that option available)
Smarter throws (complete contradiction to the last goal?)

I'm not sure what a reasonable goal is for my vertical leap, 40 time, or Snertz time. Anyone have an opinion?

We will do work this year. I promise everyone that I will do everything I can.
Just remember this: Can't stop. Won't stop.


  1. A full field throw can be a smart throw knowing when to use them is the real trick and we both know I have not totally figured that out either...

    As far as vertical goes, improving your vertical to any degree will be great but what you will have to really work on is the mental aspect of it...just jump for everything, no matter how high you are jumping, get in the habit of making plays in the air whenever possible.

